By: Heather & Peter Springer

Dedham Residents, please join Heather and I in casting your one of two votes for Erin Boles Welsh (EBW as I have affectionately called her for years) on April 9, 2022.

Dedham has been waiting for someone like Erin to come along. Erin has a mix of government and non-profit experience in her everyday life which will translate well to her Select Board role. Erin has balanced budgets while also obtaining external funding which is very crucial in ensuring that Dedham residents are not affected more in our wallets like we have been the last few years.

Erin was our weekly go-to Pandemic data provider when Dedham needed it most. Every Thursday, Erin would post a file of the numbers and percentages so that we all knew what direction the town was going in. No one asked Erin to do this. She just did it. She knew Dedham needed it.

In closing, Heather and I are voting for Erin because she is a caregiver, mom, wife, friend, town meeting member, member of DOSA, coach, data provider, selfless individual who will bring Dedham in the right direction and ensure there will be progress. Please join Heather and I April 9 and vote for our friend Erin Boles Welsh.

Thank you.