By: Julie McKenna

I first met Erin on the baseball field where our sons have been teammates and our husbands have been coaches. We sat through a lot of ball games. During those times we would chat and get to know a little more about each other. I like to think I’m a good judge of character and try to surround myself with people who will lift me (and others) up. Erin is one of those people.

During the height of the pandemic this became even more clear when she would provide weekly COVID updates via Facebook to the individual town pages. It was comforting in a way to expect these every week because everything else in our lives was so out of control. The updates were smart, concise, showed her dedication to our town.

When Erin decided to run for Select Board I felt like it just made sense. She’s a life long resident of Dedham, so she knows the ins and outs of our lovely town. Erin has the education and experience to help make decisions that will be best for all residents. She is also just a kind person and sometimes it’s really kindness that counts most. This is why I will be voting for her on April 9th and I would encourage others to as well.