By: Amy LaMontagne & Missi Werner

It is our pleasure to write you on behalf of our friend and community member, Erin Boles Welsh, who is running for the Town of Dedham Select Board.

My wife and I have known Erin since 2015. Our children were preschool classmates and played on the same soccer team for the town, which was coached by Erin! As a dedicated and strong advocate for doing what is right, Erin will make Dedham not only better, but an even more desirable place to live. I believe that her experience in government and nonprofit organizations will give the town perspective on how to make meaningful changes and positive moves forward.

In addition to her impressive work and background, Erin played a strong role as a communicator to many families and community members when she often posted COVID information that was relevant and desperately needed in a time of uncertainty. I remember looking forward to the information she provided as we all looked for glimmers of hope with COVID cases and our children’s return to school in late 2020.

In talking with Erin throughout the years, we believe that she is exactly what the town of Dedham needs to make positive change and forward-thinking steps to make Dedham the best place to live in Massachusetts.

Vote for ERIN!

Thank you!