By: Meg Priest

I had the opportunity to speak with Erin Boles Welsh recently about her campaign for town Select Board. I was impressed by Erin’s stand on the important issues facing our town. Her focus on improving the safety of Dedham’s residents while increasing Dedham’s walkability is something that benefits all Dedham residents, both young and old. Erin’s experience in Non Profit and as a public policy expert will benefit our town in securing funding for local town projects and supporting community needs.

I am very excited to support a candidate who understands how valuable diversity is. Erin also recognizes how crucial it is for town leadership decision-making to be accessible to all residents, and equitable in impact. I encourage you to join me in supporting Erin Boles Welsh for Select Board on April 9. I am confident she will strive to engage and consider our full community when it comes to decision making.

Thank you.