By: Micah Flynn

When we head to the polls on April 9th, I hope you’ll join me in voting for Erin Boles Welsh to be the newest member of our Select Board.

Like many others, I first came to be aware of Erin through her Facebook updates tracking Dedham’s Covid statistics during the early days of the pandemic. Her updates had the perfect mix of information that was specific to our community and appropriate context to compare Dedham’s trends to the rest of the state. And as others have said, these updates were critical to helping make stressful decisions at a time when such clear community information was difficult to find elsewhere. Since that time, I’ve come to know Erin a bit better as a fellow Town Meeting Member in Precinct 6. She’s an excellent example of what you’d want in a peer at Town Meeting, she’s always informed and asks questions that help clarify issues in ways that move debate forward.

As a member of the Select Board, Erin would be committed to making decisions that are driven by data, expertise, and community input. She is committed to creating space for informed decision making accessible to all of our community and equitable in impact. In short, on the Select Board she will continue her excellent track record of prepared, diligent and impactful public service for our town.

To join me in supporting Erin, please visit and join us at 2pm this Sunday (2/27) at Mother Brook Arts and Community Center for her campaign kickoff event.